Retirement’s Most Difficult Transition | Why It’s So Hard to Retire - Root Financial

Retirement is often viewed as the grand finale of your working years. It signifies a life transition that extends beyond the financial aspect of things. While money certainly plays a role, the decision to retire is influenced by a number of factors: emotions, fears, and expectations. 

After years of working with clients, we’ve learned that it doesn’t matter if they have 1 million, 5 million, 10 million, or more in their portfolio; there’s still a fear of retirement. There are four common psychological hurdles to overcome before retirement. This post explores these challenges and covers strategies to help you navigate them.

1. The Identity Challenge: Shifting from Who You Were to Who You Are

Our identities often intertwine with our professions. One particular approach to identity-based habits offers a valuable perspective. Rather than focusing solely on outcomes, envision who you want to be in retirement. Define your principles, values, and desired attributes. Then, cultivate this new identity through small, achievable actions. For instance, if you aim to be healthier, focus on a daily 10-minute walk. This gradual approach helps you transition smoothly into your new identity, making retirement a transformative journey rather than a daunting leap.

2. The Structure Challenge: Balancing Freedom and Routine

The structured routine of work provides a sense of purpose, predictability, and rhythm to life. Upon retirement, this structure can suddenly vanish, leaving you feeling unmoored. To counter this, integrate a balanced routine into your retirement plan. Enroll in exercise classes, join social groups, or engage in volunteer activities. These commitments inject purpose and structure into your days while still leaving room for spontaneity. A structured routine counteracts aimlessness and enhances your overall well-being during retirement.

3. The Perspective Challenge: Confronting Future Procrastination

A universal human tendency is to believe that future versions of ourselves will handle challenges more efficiently. This mindset often leads to procrastination and missed opportunities. In retirement, it’s crucial to confront this perspective challenge. Embrace the present and acknowledge that difficulties won’t magically disappear in the future. By taking steps now, you ensure that you’re better equipped to tackle whatever lies ahead. 

4. The External Pressure Challenge: Defying Expectations and Embracing Autonomy

Societal norms and familial influences can exert significant pressure on retirement decisions. For instance, baby boomers might grapple with retiring earlier than their parents. It’s important to recognize that your retirement journey is uniquely yours. Engage in open conversations with family members and loved ones. You might be surprised to find that their expectations are more flexible than you assumed. Your retirement should align with your values, aspirations, and life goals. Don’t let external pressures overshadow your autonomy and the joy of crafting a retirement that suits you.

As you approach the crossroads of retirement, remember that it encompasses more than just financial calculations and spreadsheets. There are emotional and psychological aspects that deserve equal attention. By addressing the challenges of identity, structure, perspective, and external pressure, you can begin retirement with a renewed sense of purpose, confidence, and freedom. 

Take the time to explore who you want to become, establish a balanced routine, seize the present moment, and assert your autonomy. Retirement is a chapter of life that invites you to redefine yourself, create meaningful routines, embrace the present, and make decisions that resonate with you. With these challenges understood and navigated, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on a fulfilling retirement journey.

Need help with your retirement?

Work directly with a licensed financial advisor at Root. Book a no-obligation initial call now so we can show you how we’ve helped hundreds of people just like you build a retirement they love.