4 Simple Ways to Increase Your Social Security Benefit in 2024 - Root Financial

Having a comfortable retirement is undoubtedly a shared goal, and understanding the intricacies of Social Security can significantly contribute to achieving that dream. In this post, I dive into four simple yet powerful strategies to help you maximize your Social Security benefits.

Know the Calculation Basics:

It’s essential to understand how Social Security benefits are calculated. Unlike regular taxes, Social Security is funded through payroll taxes. The first $168,600 of your earnings for 2024 is subject to a 12.4% tax, split equally between you and your employer. Your Social Security benefit is primarily based on this taxable income. Understanding the behind-the-scenes calculations sets the stage for effective benefit maximization.

Understanding Bend Points:

Your Social Security benefit is means-tested using something called bend points. The first dollars you earn are weighted more heavily in the calculation. For instance, the initial $1,174 you earn contributes 90% to your benefit calculation, creating a unique system where lower-income individuals may receive a more substantial proportion of their earnings as benefits.

Tip 1: Work a Full 35 Years

Your Social Security benefits are determined by your highest 35 years of earnings, as indicated in your Social Security statement. This means every year you didn’t earn income is counted as a zero. Social Security adjusts your earnings for inflation over the years, keeping your benefit calculation fair and comprehensive. To get the most out of Social Security, be sure to work a full 35 years, even if some of those years are only part-time.

Tip 2: Consider Delaying Your Benefits:

Waiting to collect your Social Security benefits can significantly increase your overall payout. Depending on your full retirement age, your benefits can grow by 5% to 8% per year if you delay collecting. This can lead to a substantial boost in your income during your retirement years.

Tip 3: Consider Spousal Benefits:

If you’re married, you could receive up to 50% of your spouse’s benefit at their full retirement age. This becomes particularly crucial if there’s a significant difference in the earnings between spouses. Even if you’re divorced but were married for a minimum of 10 years, you still have the opportunity to claim a spousal benefit based on your ex-spouse’s earnings record. This often overlooked avenue can significantly augment your overall Social Security income.

Tip 4: Consider Survivor Benefits:

In the unfortunate event of a spouse’s passing, you become eligible for 100% of their benefit, provided they were already collecting it. Survivor benefits can be claimed as early as age 60, offering an opportunity to increase your retirement income earlier than if relying solely on your own benefit. Considering survivor benefits strategically is important for maximizing your retirement income and providing financial protection for the surviving spouse.

Navigating the complexities of Social Security can be a critical factor in securing a comfortable retirement. By understanding the calculation methods and implementing strategic choices, you can maximize your benefits and enjoy a fullfilling retirement.

Retirement planning isn’t just about Social Security. It’s about crafting a comprehensive financial plan that aligns with your unique goals and circumstances.

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