Investing Archives - Root Financial
Hosted by James Conole, CFP©

Ready for Retirement

Weekly videos, podcasts, and articles to keep you up-to-date on all the best tips and strategies to create a retirement that excites you.

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Mistakes Your Financial Advisor Is Making with Your Portfolio

Mistakes Your Financial Advisor Is Making with Your Portfolio

How to Invest Your Portfolio to Maximize Retirement Success

How to Invest Your Portfolio to Maximize Retirement Success

This is What a Real $3.2M Retirement Portfolio Looks Like

Retiring with a Younger Spouse? Here’s What You Need to Know

Smart Parents Guide for Teaching Kids to Invest: A Fun and Easy Way to Learn!

Why Living Off Portfolio Interest No Longer Works in 2023

When Should I Start Living on Cash Instead of Investments?

3 Habits Holding You Back From a Comfortable Retirement

Introducing a New Root Financial

Why You’ll Probably Never Get The 12% Dave Ramsey Talks About

Straightforward Guide to 529 College Saving Plans

How To Decide What To Do With Your Old 401(k)